Be The Best
Stay The Best

APEX’s philosophy of “Be the Best, Stay the Best” impels us to strive for perfection in every product and service we provide.

Our Products

APEX’s series consist of the Endurance Long Stroke Pumping Unit, Conventional Pumping Unit, Advanced Geometry Pumping Unit and Beam Balanced Pumping Unit.

With ultra-long stroke length up to 388 inches, Apex Ascend pumping unit provides unmatched productivity and is the safest tower-style unit operating in the field today.

APEX’s Mud Pump series consist of P-2200 Triplex Mud Pump and P-2400 Quintuplex Mud Pump, featuring high reliability, high performance and easy maintenance.

APEX Group provides users with efficient top drive products. The reliable performance is fully guaranteed by technological innovation, optimized support, refined manufacturing, reasonable design redundancy and strict quality inspection.

APEX Construction Machinery provides parts for excavator and loader, including excavator arm, excavator boom, upper and lower frame, bulldozer blade, bulldozer blade bridge, loader bridge and control bridge.

APEX metallurgical products cover the entire metallurgical production equipment, including complete set of equipment and key components used in iron-making, steel-making, continuous casting to steel rolling, hot rolling, cold rolling and more.

Welcome To APEX


Founding of APEX



Total Pumping Units Delivered



Pumping Units Production Capacity



Factories Combined Floor Space



APEX GROUP is a national high-tech enterprise with cutting-edge welding and precision machining capabilities. APEX fully integrates R & D, production, sales, and after-sales service in our operations. APEX has been qualified and attained ISO 9001, API-Q1, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, API-11E, API-7K, API-8C, API-7-1, ISO 3834, EN 1090 and ASME certifications. With outstanding design and manufacturing capabilities, APEX products have achieved excellent performance in product fields of Pumping Unit, Gear Reducer, Top Drive System, Mud Pump, Wind Power Equipment, Construction Machinery Equipment, Metallurgical Equipment and more.

Why Choose APEX


Professional engineering team with world-leading R&D capabilities to meet the special needs of customers,Proven R&D ability via many projects in different regions worldwide.


As a national high-tech enterprise with cutting-edge welding and precision machining capabilities, APEX is equipped with world class production and processing equipment.


APEX customer list comprises well-known entities like GE, Baker Hughes, Schlumberger, Sinopec, PDO, KOC, Takeuchi, KATO, IHI, Liebherr, SMS Group and such.


APEX has a dedicated professional packaging, transportation and installation team, providing after-sales services customized to each product’s unique requirements.

Who Choose APEX



2024年12月31日,APEX集团2025年元旦迎新暨表彰晚会在中德礼贤学校大礼堂隆重举行。集团经营管理团队、各职能管理及生产一线近500名员工欢聚一堂,以“和衷共济,砥砺前行”为主题,表演联欢,表彰先进,共庆新年! 晚会以振奋人心的鼓舞 “旗开得胜”开场,武术、歌曲、小品、相声、舞蹈、魔术等节目,精彩纷呈、目不暇接,展示了APEX员工活泼积极、多才多艺的一面。期间穿插着多轮的抽奖,欢快的气氛中增加了有趣和刺激,部分员工也收获了幸运奖品。 晚会上,集团还对2024年度先进个人、集体进行了隆重表彰。荣誉包括:先进车间、模范部室、先进班组、优秀新人、劳动模范、优秀管理者、优秀经理和突出贡献奖。他们在各自的工作岗位上兢兢业业、努力进取,为集团2024年的发展做出了贡献,是大家学习的榜样! 集团董事长张总发表了总结讲话。张总首先赞扬了全体演员,为大家贡献了一场精彩的晚会。然后,张总感谢了集团全体员工在2024年的辛苦付出,祝大家新年快乐!最后,张总号召大家在新的一年再接再厉,为圆满完成集团2025年度业绩目标而努力! 晚会在一曲《相亲相爱一家人》中圆满谢幕,艾派斯大家庭相亲相爱,共同迎接充满希望的2025年,一起向着更高、更远的目标迈进!

Liebherr Team Visited Apex

Recently, President Chi and his team of Liebherr visited Apex. During the meeting, Apex fully demonstrated our machining strength as well as R&D and engineering capabilities. Both parties had in-depth…